Nexus FlyFF

Donate Points

To acquire premium items such as masks, pick-up pets, and more from the in-game Donate Shop, you will need to convert your website credits into in-game Donate Points. Thank you for supporting the server!

10 Credits
10 Donate Points

You can utilize this currency to purchase various special items available in-game donate shop.

100 Credits
100 Donate Points

You can utilize this currency to purchase various special items available in-game donate shop.

250 Credits
250 Donate Points

You can utilize this currency to purchase various special items available in-game donate shop.

500 Credits
500 Donate Points

You can utilize this currency to purchase various special items available in-game donate shop.

1000 Credits
1100 (+10%) Donate Points

You can utilize this currency to purchase various special items available in-game donate shop.

2500 Credits
2750 (+10%) Donate Points

You can utilize this currency to purchase various special items available in-game donate shop.